Providing specialist feeding services and online feeding courses for you and your little ones
I'm Stacey Zimmels
a London based Feeding and Swallowing Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I offer feeding consultations and breastfeeding and lactation support online, in your home or in clinic. As a mother to two small children I know firsthand how stressful it can be when your child is struggling to feed, eat or speak! I bring over 20 years of knowledge and experience in supporting little ones and their families with feeding and eating struggles and I am here to support you whenever you need it. If you’re looking for general advice or tips to support you then take a look at my blog and online courses or webinars.
Shop Online Courses
Breastfeeding: Beyond Getting Started
In the online breastfeeding: beyond getting started course, you will get knowledge, practical tips and strategies and expert answers to the most common questions that come up as you embark on the first months of breastfeeding: beyond getting started.
Fussy Eating
The online Fussy Eating course will support you to manage your child’s fussy eating by providing practical tips, strategies and resources to reduce stress at mealtimes and build the variety of foods that they are offered and will eat.
Bottle Refusal in Breastfed Babies
The course is aimed at parents of infants who are exclusively breastfed and whom you would like to take a bottle but they are refusing. It is suitable for babies from birth to 12 months. Whether you want your baby to occasionally take a bottle or take regular bottles this course is for you.
Introducing Solids
This online course takes you through the process of weaning your baby step by step. On the course I provide you with information for every detail of the beginning of the weaning process so that YOU can make the right CHOICE for you and your family!

Here’s how I can help:
Online Courses
I offer a range of different online courses to support different stages of your journey in feeding your little ones. I currently offer courses on breastfeeding from birth to 6 months, bottle refusal in breastfed babies, Introducing and fussy eating.
One-to-One support
Myself and the Feed Eat Speak team offer customised one to one support in the form of feeding consultations and therapy, speech therapy, lactation and breastfeeding support and both 1:1 and group clinical supervision.
Industry expert
I work with parenting, breastfeeding, weaning and child feeding companies, providing expert social media and online content, PR copy and press releases and product review and development. Brands I have worked with include Elvie, Doidy cup and Doddl cutlery.
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